You could well be thinking it all costs a lot of money. It could do, if you want an all singing, all dancing website such as the BBC. But you are a small business, so start small, show your customers what you offer, give them options to contact you. Link in to other form of social media, build slowly. Our service starts at less than £300. This will give you a website with enough pages to show you off. Your customers will be able to contact you and see what you have to offer them.
You can go one step further and choose to have extras added, such as social media, the ability to add your own content via email and even a news feed etc. You should be looking around £500 for this. If you require an online shop with 1000’s of products and the ability to sell all over the world, this would probably start around £800. Smaller shops are available, get in touch with us to find out more
You can go one step further and choose to have extras added, such as social media, the ability to add your own content via email and even a news feed etc. You should be looking around £500 for this. If you require an online shop with 1000’s of products and the ability to sell all over the world, this would probably start around £800. Smaller shops are available, get in touch with us to find out more
We also offer the ability to split the payments over a set amount of months to ease the burden. You pay an initial deposit of 20% then when the site is live, the remaining balance can be paid over over a pre agreed timescale of 3 to 6 months.