Our Medium Package
All our packages include 1 year domain registration, 1 year website hosting, 1 x email (addresses@mysite.com)
All websites are optimised for Google and once live, your website is submitted to google to allow it to “crawl” your site so it can be found easier.
The package contains up to 15 pages, which are usually…
- A homepage giving an overview of your business, highlighting a few key features or services
- A “Contact” page showing contact details with a contact form
- A “Services” page outlining the services you offer
- An “About us” page, giving some more detail and history to your business
- A “Blog/News” page to keep your visitors up to date
- A “Social Sharing facility” connect to facebook, twitter etc.
- Photo Gallery to show off your goods or services.
- And a selection of extra pages you may need for some of the addons
Your website will be built around an open source framework called a CMS (Content Management System). this gives you the power to log into the website and make changes yourself, such as add a post to your news page, or change some text on a page. This is ideal if you are constantly producing new work or ideas and need your website updated on a regular basis. We can even incorporate a feature when you take a photo on your phone, attach it to an email, write some text and within minutes it appears on your websites blog or news page. All without even logging in.
With this package you will have login details
After your first year, the only cost is the hosting which for this package is just £120.00 (less than £3 per week)